Monday, December 17, 2012

I don't care about tomorrow

"I don't care about tomorrow"
Aimee and I on our wedding day

I don't care about tomorrow
It's just another day
No matter what, you'll still be gone
Just like you were today

I don't care about tomorrow
A cold December day
I'll miss you like I miss you now
I miss you every day

I don't care about tomorrow
Whether skies are blue or grey
The hole you left can't just be filled
No matter what they say

No, I don't care about tomorrow
You're not here anyway
But thanks so much for all you gave
Your mark is here to stay

Rest in peace, Aimee.


  1. Yes sir. You've lived through 364 tomorrow's without your Aimee. You've counted each day as they've passed. I pray that your journey toward wholeness on this earth continues, day by day, for many, many more days. God bless ya, brotha!

  2. That was heart touching Pat. And yes Aimee's death left a whole in alot of hearts. She touched so many lives in so many ways, she will be greatly missed and forever loved. Her time on earth was cut way to short. She will be missed each and every day.

  3. What a beautiful tribute. Reading this will mean a lot to Rowan when she is older, knowing how deeply her daddy loved her mommy. There is a lot of change and growth ahead for both of you in this new year, perhaps even more than in the previous year. I hope you'll find some happiness and joy in the Christmas season, as well as in the new year. You and your family are never far from my thoughts. God Bless you.
