Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nine long months

It's been nine months.

Winter, spring, and now summer have passed.

Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, Aimee's birthday, Rowan's birthday, our wedding anniversary, Memorial Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, 4th of July, my birthday, Justin's birthday, Donna's birthday, and Labor Day have all passed.

Rowan turned 4. And she got glasses. She also got a big-girl bed and doesn't use a pacifier anymore.

The house has closet doors and air conditioning.

My grandmother Rose passed away.

I started this blog, and to date, have written just over 100 posts. It's been visited more than 62,000 times.

Aimee's car is gone. Her clothes are in the garage, her books have been donated to Goodwill, and a few important keepsakes have been put into a memory chest for Rowan.

And her ashes, those are in a box in my room. At least until October 25.

It's been nine long months.

Most of the time, it feels like a lot longer.

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